Monday, March 31, 2014

About Broiler Room Services

Boiler Room Services, Inc. has been operating from our Southwestern Pennsylvania Headquarters since 1977. For over 35 years BRS has provided maintenance, upgrades, and emergency services for all makes of fire tube and water tube boilers in commercial and industrial facilities, specializing in digital control upgrades. BRS was incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania and continues to provide top quality products and services.

BRS, Inc. is flexible, working with various sized companies within many different industries and providing proven technical and operational processes. Our service offerings and technical products keep our clients operating smoothly with energy-saving effeciency.
Use the navigation bar to review our services and products offered. We take pride in the fact that we are one of the only companies specializing in retrofitting control panels and using advanced parallel positioning for true cost savings. Working with such companies as Preferred Instrument BurnerMate Boiler Control Systems we're confident that are products are services are second to none.

Call us today to see our top-rated, state-of-the-art boiler room technologies and total boiler system controls.

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Product Review Cameron Abney and Associates Frequently Asked Questions

BRS, through its associate boiler rental suppliers, will assist in emergency and planned rentals to minimize or eliminate disruption in operation.

Who supplies the fuel and power for the boiler?
Who supplies the main gas pressure regulator?
Who provides the insurance for the boiler?
Who is paying for the freight?
Who will hook up the boiler and what needs to be done?

The fuel and power supply for the boiler are the responsibility of the Lessee. BRS also secures portable generator sets if you require power for your application. Trailer mounted units up to 350HP have oil storage tanks on board. Those units require the tank to be filled after the trailer is blocked and leveled. All oil MUST be removed prior to return of rental boiler. Units larger than 350HP will require a separate oil tank to be provided and filled. Many times a local fuel supplier can provide this tank at little or no charge when purchasing oil. An oil transfer pump may be required depending on the location of the oil tank. The trailer power requirements are 240/460 Vac, three phase and 120 Vac, control. Note that some units have separate control power transformers and do not require 120 VAC power. If power is not available, portable generator sets can be provided.
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Typically the Lessee provides the gas pressure regulator to supply trailer with proper pressure. If required, BRS sells gas pressure regulators for your application. Advise the sales department when you place your order or are inquiring about a price.
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It is the responsibility of the Lessee to provide full protection for the boiler and equipment.  Check with your insurance agent, many policies will cover this with no increased premiums or extra charges involved. A certificate of insurance will be required prior to start-up.
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The Lessee pays the freight to the site and the return of the unit after the rental period. Trucking arrangements are made by BRS or Lessor and will be coordinated with the trucking company.
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The hook-up of the boiler will be done by the Lessee, which includes the following tasks before a start-up technician is called.
Unload and level the boiler unit or level and block the tires for trailer mounted units.
Connect the 3 phase and 120 Vac control power as required to the safety disconnects.
Provide make-up water supply to the feed connection. Minimum of 40 psig.
Provide steam piping from the trailer to the process connection.
Provide a regulated natural gas service or PROPERLY REGULATED propane tank for 200,000 BTUs pilot gas.
Supply and fill oil tank when burning #2 oil. Gas pilot required when firing oil.
Provide condensate return piping. This is not required, but returning condensate will reduce make-up water usage and reduce energy cost.
Pipe any drains to safe areas, water and steam is a hazard to personnel or property. Local code MUST be consulted.
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Chemical treatment for the boiler must be provided for any length of rental. The Lessee must provide the proper chemical treatment program. Proper blow down of the equipment and treatment will prevent damage to the boiler. BRS can provide the proper boiler chemicals and chemical treatment services at start-up and during the rental period. Please advise when the lessee does not want the responsibility of chemical treatment. BRS also has a third party chemical treatment company that can also provide chemicals and services when needed.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Product Review Cameron Abney and Associates Formulas and Conversion Charts

A.            Boiler Formulas
Boiler Horse Power (HP):
BHP = (Lb/hr) * FE / 34.5
where Lb/hr is pounds of steam per hour and FE is the factor of evaporation.
S=HP * 34.5 * t
where HP is boiler horsepower and t is time (h).
Cycle of Concentration of Boiler Water:
CYC=Bch / FCh
where  Bch  is  ppm  water  chlorides  and FCh is ppm feedwater chlorides.
Differential Setting (lb):
Delta S = P1 - P2
where P1 is the cutout pressure and P2 is the cut in pressure
Factor of Evaporation:
FE = SH + LH / 970.3
where SH is the sensible heat and LH is the latent heat.
Force (lb):
F=P / A
where P is pressure (psi) and A is area (in^2).
Horsepower (HP):
HP=(d * t) / (t * 33000)
where d is distance, F is force, and t is time.

Inches of Mercury (in):
InHG=P / 0.491
where P is pressure
Percent of Blowdown:
%BD=(PP - RP) / PP
where PR is popping pressure and RP is reseat pressure
Rate of Combustion (Btu/hr) RC=H / (Vf * t)
where H is heat released (BTU), Vf is volume of furnace (ft^3), and t is time (hr).
Return Condensate Percentage in Feedwater RC%=(MC – FC) / (MC – CC)
where MC is the makeup conductivity (μohms), FC is the feedwater conductivity (μohms), and CC is the condensate conductivity (μohms).
Static Head Pressure (lb)
SHP= Bpr * 2.31
where Bpr = boiler pressure (psi)
Temperature Conversions:
F to C
C = (F – 32) / 1.8
C to F
F = (1.8 * C) + 32
Total Force (lb)
TF = P*A
where P is pressure (psi) and A is the area of valve disc exposed to steam (sq. in.)
Water Column (in)
WC = P / 0.03061   where P is pressure (psi).

Flue gas analysis:
Boiler flue gas analysis is used to determine
combustion efficiency.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Indicates complete combustion
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Indicates incomplete combustion
Oxygen (O2)
Indicates the presence of excess air
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
A product of high temperature combustion
Material that burns when exposed to oxygen and heat

It is typical to target oxygen levels of 8% in low fire and 3% in high fire for gas fired burners.
It is typical to target oxygen levels of 6% in low fire and 4% in high fire for oil fired burners.
Johnston Boiler Company  recommends  no greater level than 200 ppm of Carbon Monoxide in its burner operation. The acceptable “Industry Standard” level is 400 ppm or less.
Johnston Boiler Company recommends zero combustibles for a gas fired burner.
Johnston Boiler Company recommends a maximum #2 Smokespot (Ringelmann Chart) in its oil fired burner.
For a burner originally adjusted to 15% air, changes in combustion air temperature and  barometric pressure cause the following in excess air:
Air Temperature
Barometric Pressure (In. HG)
Resulting Excess Air %*
* Expressed as a percent of the Stoichiometric air required.


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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Product Review Cameron Abney and Associates Rental Systems

BRS Inc., through our associated boiler rental company, is able to provide a wide variety of boiler rental options. We can have delivered trailer, mobile, or skid-mounted rental boiler systems available in pressure ranges from 30 horsepower to 250,000 pounds per hour. Ask about our high efficiency systems.
Boiler rental services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mobile boiler rooms are ready night and day to provide you with fast rental boilers. We provide rentals for all types of boiler jobs: plant expansions, plant shut downs, annual boiler inspections, research and development, renovation and remediation.

Start-up service
24/7 delivery
Operator training
Turnkey installations
24/7 support
Pre-installation consultation

Trailer Mounted up to 75,000 pph
Skid Mounted up to 250,000 pph
Mobile Boiler Room up to 650hp
Water Softeners on Board
Steam boilers up to 30,000 lb/hr
Hot water heat exchangers separate or part of boiler rental package
FAQ's - Renting a Boiler

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Product Review Cameron Abney and Associates BRS Sales & Services

Offering a complete system approach on all fire and water tube boilers since 1977
BRS offers customized combustion controls.
State-of-the-art combustion control
Burner Management
Preferred Instruments BurnerMate Boiler Controls
Customized digital panels
Remote access
24/7 customer support
Human/Machine/Interface (HMI) computer systems
NFPA 70E PPE requirements
NEMA rated enclosures
UL listed parts
PLC programming

Combustion calibration, optimizing firing rates and reduced emissions
Startup analysis
Corrosion/failure analysis
Boiler burner management and combustion control repairs and upgrades
Electrical control systems, using PLC HMI interface and meeting NFPA 70E PPE requirements
Natural gas and oil fuel trains flow metering and measurement
Feed water level control flow metering and monitoring
Chemical feed systems analysis
Prepare for code inspections
Plant surveys and recommendations by certified P.E. to increase plant efficiency.
Through associated repair companies, re-tubes, new tubes, welding, piping, refractory work

Customized maintenance agreements, incorporating the auxiliary equipment in your boiler room
Annual, Bi-Annual, or Monthly planned maintenance work agreements

Boiler rentals through associated supplier ranging from 30HP to 650HP ready to ship on 24 hour notice
Hot water heat exchangers separate or part of boiler rental package
Steam boiler rentals through associated supplier up to 30,000 lb/hr
Burner Conversions Removal of old burner and combustion controls and installation of gas, oil or combination fuel burners, complete fuel train installations or fuel valve components, and boiler pressure and temperature controls
Through associated repair companies, complete A.S.M.E. services
Blow down separators
Chemical feed systems
Lead-lag systems
Gas fired water heaters
Indirect fired water heaters
Boiler feed systems

Visit our Products Offered page for a complete list.
Flame Safe Guard, IR and UV flame scanners, flame amplifiers, flame rods, ignition rods, sight glass, relays, indicating lights, switches, burner internals, gas pilots, fuses, contractors, motors, motor starters, wet and dry gaskets, door insulation blanket, refractory products, tubes, burners, gas valves, gas regulators, air compressors, oil atomizing assemblies, oil pumps, water level controls, safety relief valves, and other equipment.
Training Take advantage of our unique operator's training program. We offer hands-on training that's supplemented with our very own crafted manual.
Support Guides We can help create consistent operating practices with customized reference guides that display right in your boiler room. Options include daily logging, data aquisition, blowdown procedures, and basic troubleshooting.
CAD Drawings Revise old drawings and hand revisions into AutoCad. System Schematics, 3-D modeling, electrical, structural, and/or mechanical drawings.
Call for assistance to find the part(s) you need.
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